All the history you need to know- Github ActionsJun 2024CI/CDMOBILEIncorporate Github Actions in our native apps CI/CD pipelines
- C.E.L.L.Dec 2023APICI/CDINFRAIntroduced C.E.L.L. (Componentized Enterprise Logical Layer) for Enterprise Core IT
- Jetpack ComposeJan 2023MOBILEIntroduction of Jetpack compose in Android codebase
- Nest.jsNov 2022APIIntroduced Nest.js framework
- Jetpack DatastoreAug 2022MOBILEIntroduction of Datastore, replacement of Shared Preferences
- Argo rolloutsJun 2022INFRACI/CDArgo rollouts for test environment deployment
- Danger JSJun 2022CI/CDMOBILEWe start using Danger JS in our CI/CD pipeline for PR code review automation
- Intergrate VaultJun 2022INFRAMigration from Kubernetes secrets to Vault
- Helm Packaging adoptionMar 2022INFRA
- Next.jsMay 2021WEBAPILaunched our new web stack using Next.js
- ContentfulMay 2021WEBMOBILEReleased our first content using Contetnful as our headless CMS
- Node.jsMay 2021APIWe launched our first node.js project acting like a backend for frontend (BFF)
- AWS web launchMay 2021INFRAWEBWe launched our new website in AWS cloud
- iOS ModularizationMar 2021MOBILEBroke down our main app to logical layers and started pulling code to modules
- ALM tool InstanaJun 2020APIWe introduced ALM tool Instana to replace Grafana
- iOS Automate ReleaseJan 2020MOBILECI/CDAutomate uploading new versions to the App Store
- My Vodafone app major refactorJun 2019MOBILEIntoduction of Clean Architecture pattern, MVVM and Kotlin as the default language
- Quarkus adoptionMay 2019APIAfter a number of POCs focused on our microservices performance we introduced Quarkus framework
- RxSwiftFeb 2019MOBILEStart using RxSwift in our CU app
- Android Automated ReleaseJan 2019MOBILEAutomate uploading new versions to the Play Store
- Swift migration begunNov 2018MOBILEWe currently use Swift for all new features
- ReactSep 2018WEBIntroduced React.js for vodafone.gr
- 1st DXL Kubernetes Cluster deployment on AWS cloudAug 2018APIINFRAIntroduced Digital Experience Layer for Vodafone Greece
- Digital Transformation kick-offApr 2018GENERICEverything begins here. At this time we made our decisions for Vodafone Greece digital transformation, following the agile model. Our first squads were under construction and everyone was exited about our new journey